Monday, November 16, 2009

I need to get a fair amount of SHAMROCK does anyone know where it can be got who grows it ?

Type this address link and it will take you to a page where you can buy shamrock and other aquatic bog plants.

The website it

I need to get a fair amount of SHAMROCK does anyone know where it can be got who grows it ?
Just do a search on the net
Reply:I had some shamrock seeds brought back as a present from Ireland, I grew them and they are just like the Clover we have on the mainland of the U.K. It has even flowered the same, and dies back the same, so I reckon it is just another name for it.

Try the garden, spring is early - should be ready for St. Patrick's Day, I guess that's why you want it!
Reply:probably a flower shop.then do what I did years ago,take a cutting off it,they are really easy to root,then you can grow loads for next march 17th,its easy to grow in pots or outdoors!
Reply:At your local Shamrock store silly.
Reply:Yoiu have to come across the pond to IRELAND!!! Only 100% guaranteed shamrock grown here!!
Reply:If there is a shop near you that sells everything you get from Ireland like food,cards,newspapers and clothing ask in there and I would think you could place an order as most of them have it flown over from Ireland or even a local Irish Club lots of big cities have an Irish Centre. Good luck and Happy St Patrick's day.
Reply:from the little people at the end of the rainbow in ireland.!!! lol
Reply:where i thinking scotland

baby shoes

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